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Massage Therapy

Regular massage treatments have been proven to reduce inflammation and pain. We will tailor your massage to your individual needs, and will have you walking out a more relaxed and better version of yourself.

Surrey Downs Physiotherapy Welcomes a New Massage Therapist

On January 8th we finally welcome Tiarnah to our team!

Tiarnah has always had a passion for health, sport and general well-being. She believes that massage can be a huge benefit to your everyday living.

Tiarnah has completed a Certificate 4 in Massage Therapy at the Australian Institute of Fitness and is continuing her studies to become a Remedial Massage Therapist.

She has a particular focus on sports and fitness having been and continues to be involved as a sports trainer with multiple sporting clubs, tending to athletes specific needs. Her experience in the sports industry and hands on knowledge of pre-game and post-game, training, strapping, stretching and specific massage techniques that will help you stay on your feet or get back on your feet faster.
Tiarnah specialises in Relaxation Massage and Deep Tissue Massage.